Smart Requirements Verification and Intelligent Test Generation

Intelligent Requirements Verification and Intelligent Test Generation

In the dynamic world of embedded software development, collaboration and innovation are crucial to stay ahead of the curve. In this context, we are thrilled to announce the strategic alliance between Exceltic y Developair. This partnership promises to revolutionise the way companies address the challenges of embedded software development, combining Exceltic's expertise with Developair's advanced AI-based solutions.

Embedded software development faces multiple challenges that affect both the quality of the final product and the efficiency of the development process. These challenges include:

  1. Cost Pressure and Development TimesThe need to meet tight deadlines and limited budgets can compromise software quality. The high level of dedication required in the verification and validation (V&V) phases consumes significant resources.
  2. Regulatory ComplianceRegulated industries, such as automotive, aeronautics and medical, must comply with strict functional safety standards, which adds an additional layer of complexity and liability.
  3. Talent Attraction and Opportunity CostsFinding highly skilled embedded software developers is a constant challenge. In addition, dedication to low value-added tasks, such as unit testing, reduces the time available for more innovative and valuable activities.

Developair offers a platform of artificial intelligence-based tools specifically designed to automate embedded software verification and validation activities. These tools directly address the aforementioned problems by:

  1. Intelligent Requirements EditorSoftware requirements definition: Facilitates the definition of software requirements in an intuitive and standardised way, reducing ambiguity and improving the quality of requirements.
  2. Automatic Test GenerationFrom the software requirements, Developair can automatically generate the necessary tests in a matter of seconds or minutes. This not only improves the quality of testing by avoiding human error, but also significantly reduces the associated time and costs.
  3. Automatic Requirements VerificationAutomatically detects errors, inconsistencies and conflicts in requirements, ensuring that errors are detected and corrected at an early stage of development.
  4. Seamless IntegrationDevelopair's platform integrates seamlessly with existing test and requirements management tools such as IBM DOORS and VectorCast, enabling easy adoption without disrupting current workflows.
  5. Quantifiable BenefitsDevelopair's solutions have proven to be reduction of 30-50% in software development costs and up to 50% in development time. In addition, the reduction of non-compliance costs and compliance issues translates into better quality control and reduced regulatory risks.

As a Developair Gold Partner, Exceltic is positioned to offer its clients a comprehensive solution that combines expert consultancy and state-of-the-art technology. The partnership between Exceltic and Developair provides several key advantages:

  1. Personalised ConsultancyExceltic offers a deep understanding of each customer's specific challenges, providing tailored solutions that maximise the benefits of Developair's technology.
  2. Efficient ImplementationWith Exceltic's expertise in project management and systems integration, the implementation of Developair's tools is smooth and effective, ensuring a seamless transition and rapid realisation of benefits.
  3. Continuous SupportBeyond implementation, Exceltic provides ongoing support to ensure that Developair's solutions remain aligned with changing customer needs and technological evolutions in the market.
  4. Training and DevelopmentThrough specific training programmes, Exceltic empowers development teams to take full advantage of the capabilities of the Developair platform, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and operational efficiency.

The partnership between Exceltic and Developair marks a significant milestone in embedded software development, offering a robust and efficient solution to meet modern industry challenges. Together, these companies are poised to transform the way embedded systems are developed and verified, ensuring they are more reliable, efficient and compliant.

At Exceltic, we are committed to innovation and excellence, and this partnership with Developair reinforces our ability to deliver cutting-edge solutions that truly make a difference. We invite all companies looking to optimise their embedded software development processes to explore the benefits of this partnership and discover how we can help them achieve their goals faster and more effectively.

You can access our webinar Smart Requirements Verification and Intelligent Test Generation to see a live demonstration of the solution.

For more information about our solutions and how we can collaborate, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can take your embedded software development to the next level.



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