

Smart cities is a key initiative with a social-technological focus, to address climate energy challenges with the citizen at the centre of attention

The smart city is the urban field that employs various types of electronic data collecting sensors to provide data which is used to manage assets and resources efficiently. That includes information gathered from citizens, devices, and possessions that are processed and studied to observe and administer commerce and transport systems, state plants, water system networks, waste management, law enforcement, information systems, schools, libraries, hospitals, and other community services.

This intelligent city idea incorporates data and communication technology (ICT), and several personal devices related to IoT solutions, to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens. Intelligent city technology allows local administrations to move directly with both people and city structure and to observe what is occurring and how the metropolitan area is developing.

There are a variety of definitions of the smart city, but the consensus is that intelligent cities use a lot of sensors, actuators, and IT infrastructure to link elements across the city. That connects every structure of the city, from the gas to the street to underground. It's when you obtain information from everything that is related and use it to change the lives of citizens and achieve a better connection between citizens and the authorities when the municipality becomes a smart city.

EXCELTIC has a Technology Services Department, which is composed of engineers with vast expertise in IOT projects, as well as a broad range of technical knowledge in software development and big data initiatives.

Exceltic has signed an agreement with PTC in 2016, becoming a ThingWorx® IoT Partner for Europe. With this alliance, Exceltic strengthens its position as a specialist in IOT platforms, helping all clients in the process of transformation and innovation with IOT & software development services.


  • IOT platform deployment
  • IOT Project’s management
  • OPC-UA Server communication
  • IOT communication enablement (HiveMQ, Mosquito, MQTT, etc)
  • Database configuration
  • Data architecture
  • Software architecture
  • CLOUD/EDGE Computing
  • On-Premise deployment
  • IOT Cybersecurity
  • IOT Mission Critical Testing
  • Big data project’s management
  • Advance Statistics Applied to Decision Making
  • Data analytics and Data mining
  • ETL solutions
  • Normalization and data standardization
  • Outsourcing services



10 years of experience in technological projects


Full end-to-end technological engineering projects life cycle coverage


Multi-disciplinary local team, with regional experience and global perspective


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