The IES José Luis Sampedro (Tres Cantos), is recognised for its representation at the FLL (First Lego League). Every year several teams from the school take part, made up of 3rd and 4th year ESO students, and this year the Oasis Group is one of the competitors.
We are committed to the development of our society and culture, on the basis of a values of creativity, efficiency and gender equality. We are therefore very proud to be able to collaborate with the professional development of young talents such as those who identify this team.

The FLL is an international educational programme that aims to promote interest in STEM learning among young people aged 4-16. During the competition process, students are helped to apply all their skills, confidence and values, such as teamwork.
Each year, the participants carry out a scientific project and a robotics programme with a defined theme related to "real world" problems. In this 2021/2022 season, the teams should come up with creative solutions related to the future of transport, imagining innovations that help our society to grow.
Oasis, made up of 8 girls aged between 13 and 15, has one of the youngest members to have participated so far on behalf of the Tricantino high school. It is also one of the groups that have participated, together with their teacher Juan Sebastián Trocolí, in this 2021/2022 edition, called "Cargo Connect".
They started their journey with enthusiasm and every day they strive to make their work the best it can be. This group of colleagues came together without expecting it, and now they are enjoying a great experience together.
On the 2nd of April they competed in the national phase, the FLL Spanish Grand Final in Torremolinos, Malaga. They obtained the third prize of the challenge, opting to participate in the International Open held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and, in addition, they were nominated as one of the 4 Spanish teams representing them in the Global Innovation Award.
With a backpack full of illusion and work, they travelled to Brazil on the weekend of the 4th to the 7th of August, where with a magnificent presentation, they managed to be among the 20 best teams of the 91 participants.
In order to pass the tests of the competition, they have developed their Ares robot, built with an EV3 brick, 2 medium motors, 2 large motors, a gyrosensor and 2 colour sensors.
The team studied several problems and identified a very common one: accidents caused by poor lighting on roads at night, especially on secondary roads.
Having identified the problem and in search of solutions, they created a sustainable proposal for illuminating road signs in tunnels using piezoelectric elements under the asphalt. A measure that allows sufficient energy to be obtained thanks to the pressure and vibration of vehicles, almost anywhere.